Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes: Novel Task Blog final post

Final Assignment-Rewrite the Ending


I will be rewriting a few parts of the story and ending of, Orpheus Takes a Solo.In the original story Eurydice dies and Orpheus ventures to the underworld but fails to retrieve Eurydice, after this he is torn apart by Maenads. But in this rewritten version by me of course, it will be much different to the original.


Orpheus is first born with no musical talent every time he sang the weapons around him would bend or shatter. The spear would go all bendy, the swords all chipped and rusty; he was even told to never sing again. Orpheus lived his entire life completely uneventful besides all the criticism he faced from a child born from two significant people but the result was someone with no chance in the arts of performing or wielding a sword. He was unwilling to make an effort until a lady so beautiful and dazzling entered his life Eurydice, a gorgeous nymph so fair the light would reflect her skin was as fine as glass.

Once procrastinating Orpheus started putting in an effort just so Eurydice will glance at him for at least 3 seconds.

He picked up a sword and practised for hours and hours till his hands were blistering and sweaty. He was training from dusk to dawn. He even tried to fix his horrid voice, he even begged his mother for music lessons. Calliope reluctantly agreed to his son’s request; she knew the path Orpheus picked would be a tough one. He spent months singing and practising the sword until after 1 year he was barely recognisable, his physique was impressive, his voice was majestic.


All his effort that he put into impressing Eurydice was pointless; she was already gone, gone from the face of the earth. Sadness enveloped Orpheus he prayed to the temple of Apollo for help prayers were answered the god appeared before him and offered his lyre to Orpheus telling him not to fight with violence not a spear, bow or sword but with the calming sound of music.

This was bad Orpheus had never played with a lyre before no one had there was only one in the whole world and that was Apollo’s. When he approached the river Styx he asked Charon if he could get a ride across but no response, Orpheus began to play the lyre the most terrible sounds were produced. “OK, ok I’ll ferry you across just stop playing”. Shrieking Charon, Orpheus had done the same thing with Cerberus before he arrived at the Styx.

He would not be getting the same results from Hades as soon as he played the lyre in front of him he was silenced. Hades also gave him a special punishment in the field of punishment to listen to loud horrible sounds for all eternity.


I think this task was really challenging my creative liberties I got to change the story to my liking, such as character attributes skills and decisions. I picked this task because the other ones didn’t really fit my circumstance or weren’t to my liking. The task itself was easy but having to come up with ideas on the spot is very difficult this was probably the problem.

Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes. Novel Task Blog Post 3


This week I picked a news article we were supposed to pick a part in the book and write it like it’s a news article I have picked the part when Phaethon gets struck down by Zeus lightning bolts.

I did a good job in making it seem like it was in the modern day but still kept a lot of the characteristics and descriptions. I have learn’t that combining mythological and bizarre ideas with regular and mundane setting would make it more interesting. My problem was keeping it interesting while still including the part of the original story.


Week 4 – News Articles Human comet falls from the sky.

A man was reported to be falling from the sky at insane speeds hurtling through the air as he plummeted into a lake. Phaethon is a young teenage male in his late teens he had bronze skin and dark curly hair, was spotted miraculously flying across the sky in a chariot pulled by golden horses with their manes on fire. He was racing across the sky until something unimaginable happened. A bolt of lightning flickered quickly in the middle of day when news got out, a whole controversy about whether it was a sign from the gods or not.

The whole controversy caused the government to intervene, reassuring the public that it was completely fine, but the people say otherwise.Our team is still trying to gather new information. Once we do we will update on the next 2-3 articles.

Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes:Novel Tasks Blog Post 2

17th-19th of June 2024.

This week I picked character categorisation I have nine characters from the stories. The book i’m reading has several stories with different characters. I struggle with keeping my work under wraps and end up picking a path that’s way too ambitious resulting in unfinished work. I managed to keep on task finishing my work on time and progressing ahead.

                                                 Categories                                                                                                           Flat ,   Dynamic,    round,    static.

Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes. Novel Task Blog Post.

For 2 weeks we picked 2 tasks for our novels and worked through them. I chose Book Summary and Character Analysis but before this we had to finish a pre-reading activity. The pre-reading activity included questions like why you chose this book, how many pages are there and do you think you can finish it in 5 weeks.

Back to the 2 tasks. I thought that starting with a book summary would be the best so I could get a better understanding of the book altogether. If I knew the point of the book It would actually make the novel 2 times more enjoyable. It is easy to figure out what the novel is about by looking at the back of the book which usually tells you a little about the book and its plot.

My second task I did Character Analysis was picking a character in your story (A main Character). Once you Have picked your character you must fill in the boxes with answers and support them with information from the book. You can do this by writing down the page that supports your answers, also you could quote a line from that page this is something new I’ve used for my work.

I’m very positive about my progress on my work and I have met each criteria I haven’t faced any difficulties along the way. My interest in mythology is empowering my resolution to read the book.

Week 1 – Book summary.

This book is about various different Greek heroes. All the heroes in the book are different people with different personalities, appearances and qualities.

Many of the main characters are born in an ancient setting of Greece, most are born of royal descent, many are hated at birth and destined for greatness

But when people build too much of an ego and forget their old ways, or some are led astray by others words. There are moments when you think to yourself. ”Damn I could have made better choices”. This has happened to many people like Theseus and Hercules(Roman Terms) Stories of blessings and curses Let’s see how they unfold.


Week 2 – Character Analysis.

Poetry ballad:High Wave Battle

                       Poetry ballad:High Wave Battle

     Before you read this poem be sure you are alright with bloody themes and                                                               gruesome language.


This post will be about the poem my classmates like the favourite poem that they liked. We are learning about language features and different forms of poems. Haiku, sonnet, ballad, couplet, quatrain, and cinquain. These are some of the poems I have written.

The one below is the poem they thought was the best. The poem I wrote was a ballad.




Ballad:High wave battle

Above the high tides.

The battle is done, many ships have gone and sank.

Everyone will switch sides.

Things are found, sold off just like that at the bank.

Oceans converge breaking the line, chasing my memories.

Absorbed in a sponge. Taken away, with nothing else to say.

In an endless battle. Forever, having to fight for centuries.

Pushed by the waves no time to relax, this is the only way.

A gun is fired and a person will fall, making the water stained.

Now blood I crave, I thirst for death taking out all of a crew.

They scream in pain and cry for help, but their voices have been strained.

Corpses are merged chucked in pot just to make a brew.

Very deep tells a story with meaning a bit morbid but i like your use of language. – Ava and Carley. (Feed back from my group)

Children’s Storey

                                        Life of a kiwi

               This storey is an easy way to explain why kiwis come                                                 out at night and aren’t seen in the day

The goal of this reading activity is to improve our creativity and critical thinking, also explaining things that we thought about. Like where do the stars go, where is the sun at night.


Key competencies



Collaboration 1

Collaboration 2

Collaboration 3


Introducing Poetry

   This blog is about which videos are good for introducing poetry to           teenagers age 13-19 out of the five videos I picked Ted Ed

This video portrays many different types of poets from the past and talks about famous poets who had different styles of poetry. It explains what each poet did to make it more interesting or special like Eugen Gomringers silencio or Reinhard Döhls Apfel. These are all different unique forms of poetry. Poetry has evolved over years of development overall Ted Ed tells us about a variety of different forms of poetry and the people who made the groundbreaking discoveries.

I think Ted Ed actually introduces the concepts and different types of details in poetry the best out of the other videos. Ted Ed gives many examples on the different poets.